NEW AI-based expert system that analyses retinal Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) scans to diagnose Retinitis Pigmentosa, Wet and Dry AMD.
NEW B2B enterprise platform that enable customer acquisition and retention based on personalized performance-focused health and wellness interventions. Multiple implementations at large health insurers, health systems and nutrition companies.
B2B elderly care automation and IOT platform
Imaging and test-based expert system for neuro-degenerative diseases
Flexible platform for optimizing Clinical Trials.
Recruitment, data capture, analysis and patient incentivization modules. Clients include Pharma, biotech, academic medical centers.
Mental health expert system with regulatory approval. Decision-making tool for psychotherapists in a telehealth context.
Organ water and internal fat diagnostic 3d-imaging based on MRI protocol with applications to metabolic diseases such as NAFLD and NASH
Reagents for efficient and fast qPCR based on non-dimerizable primers. Applications in viral, bacterial pathogen detection, crop genetic strain analysis, next generation sequencing.
Blood test for colorectal cancer
qPCR and NGS diagnostic platform for detection of viral presence and of immune over-reaction susceptibility to a variety of infectious agents including Dengue, COVID etc.
NEW Scalable, affordable and fast microbiome screening technology based on DNA origami probes, removing need for next-generation sequencing.
NEW Innovative devices for vascular health assessment and 3D cardio-goniometry. Scalable and affordable solutions for preventive cardiology based on several cohort studies.
NEW Drug development holding and platform focused on Health Aging. Assets that address cellular senescence, dis-regulated cell communications, mitochondrial disfunction, telomere attrition etc.
Nucleoside-based small molecules and prodrugs with applications on targeting polymerases in direct anti-virals, and specific enzymes in oncogenic pathways
Novel antibiotics platform, with applications in difficult urinary tract infection
Measles-derived oncloytic virus platform
Colorectal cancer virulence prognostic and associated therapy based on the FAK pathway. Possible applications in other cancers with metastatic potential.
Small molecule therapy for liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma). Functions by restoring natural anti-cancer immune cell function. Potential for preventive treatment. Phase-2.
Therapeutic platform based on a new paradigm of restoring protein and enzymatic functions via targeted isotope and enantiomer replacement. Applications in chronic diseases such as CNS, oncology and metabolic.
Therapeutic platform targeting the enhancement of astrocyte and neural metabolism with applications to Alzheimer, ALS, DeVivo, Parkinson etc.
Small molecule targeting core of inflammasome function with applications in gout, arthritis and other indications
NEW Active compound derived from a traditional Chinese medicine herb that is showing very strong regenerative properties for retina, optic nerve and motor neurons. Supplements in development for eye, brain and muscle health. Pursuing also a pharmaceutical route in Retinitis Pigmentosa.
NEW Exciting Range of natural-compunds drinks for detoxification and recovery after alcohol, physical or mental stress. Formulation based on a variety of clinical studies of liver homeostasis and immune system strength.
Enzyme-based nutraceutical that neutralizes gluten-immunogenic proteins for alleviating gluten sensitivity and celiac disease. Functional claim
Fiber-based nutraceutical that reduces blood sugar and feeds the gut micro biome. Functional claim
Platform that integrates and optimizes the supply chain and market reach of small organic farmers in a variety of crops, including medicinal cannabis.
Micro-algae derived compounds with a variety of applications in anti-inflammatory and gut health for humans and animals.
NEW R&D and manufacturing platform for Xenobots,- living robots assembled from individual living cells with programmed functions. Applications in industry (pollutants sequestration and cleaning), in medicine (diagnostic sensors, regenerative medicine) and bio-computing.
NEW CRISPR-mediated gene and cell therapy for acute myocardial ischemia that follows an acute heart attack. A cardio-protective treatment that regenerates and maintains healthy heart muscle tissue to prevent heart failure. Preclinical.
NEW Cell Therapies R&D, GMP manufacturing, delivery and cryobanking platform that utilizes stem cells derived from adipose, cord blood, mesenchymal, bone marrow tissue.
NEW Skin regeneration platform based on the combination of stem cell - based tissue engineering and bacteria-fighting enzymes that clean chronic wounds. Generated skin patches contain all the 6 layers of functional skin cells.
NEW Regenerative medicine platform based on resorbable collagen nanofibers. Currently applied for treatment and prevention of lymphodema after breast cancer surgery. Further applications in peripheral arterial disease and in nerve regeneration.
Autologous cell therapy for Diabetes T1 and T2 mediated by transformed lymphocytes via proprietary Yamanaka factors.
Regenerative medicine and cell therapy platform based on platelet-derived growth factors. Applications in wound healing, gum and bone regeneration, cell cultures growth (Devices, Therapeutics, Lab Reagents)
Allogenic cell therapy for Critical Limb Ischemia
Liver and Kidney transplant company. Superior re-vascularization and re-celullarization of xenograft organs, both with donor cells and autologous stem cells.
HIV therapeutic and preventative vaccine based on the conserved TAT protein target.
Cancer detection, therapeutic and preventative vaccines platform based on new paradigm of measuring specific immune signatures and directly designing peptides based vaccines. Human and vet applications. (Diagnostics , Therapeutics & Vet)
NEW Easy-to-use catheter over needle syringe design for applying and maintaining local anesthesia and nerve blocks. Reduces the need for using general anesthetics that is prone to recovery and opioid addiction problems.
NEW Device that measures severity of various cardiovascular ailments such as hypertension, diabetes, peripheral artery disease. Based on oscillometric tonometry, photoplethysmography, optical absorption spectroscopy and incoherent optical fluctuation flowmetry.
NEW Self-learning controller system and algorithm for provision of insulin to diabetics, designed for automated iCGM mode or manual use.
Small ergonomic and hygienic home dialysis machine based on a novel modular architecture, CE-Marked regulated device
Diabetic Foot Ulcer wound dressing device and chemical
New generation iCGM continuous glucose monitor that is precise in all glycemic states, most importantly in hypoglycemia. Based on a novel optical sensor technology with continuous recalibration.
External elecro-stimulation device for stabilization and treatment of Dry AMD (Macular Degeneration)
NEW New generation 3D Bioprinter and bio-ink technology and R&D platform. Utilizes a novel class of bio-inks derived from specific extra-cellular matrix chemistries. R&D focus on heart muscle regeneration.
NEW Highly parallel technology for fast design and copying of nucleic acids and proteins. Applications in drug and vaccine discovery and development.
Feed supplement for ruminants that reduces enteric methane emissions, increases milk yield, decreases udder inflammation. Associated carbon credit approved program.
Effective fast-acting haemostat for wound healing and surgery applications. Launch for veterinary then for human markets.
NEW Patented methodology for determining cardiovascular disease severity and recommending treatment options for symptomatic and asymptomatic patients. Preventive technique based on a large-scale multi-year trial and executed through panel of experts.